
Conspicuous in His Absence: Studies in the Song of Songs and Esther is unavailable, but you can change that!

In the biblical canon, two books lack any explicit reference to the name of God: Song of Songs and Esther. God’s peculiar absence in these texts is unsettling, both for theological discourse and for believers considering implications for their own lived experience. Chloe T. Sun takes on the challenges of God’s absence by exploring the often overlooked theological connections between these two...

woman, then what is on her mind and what is reality are indeed fused in terms of time. Another aspect in both night scenes is timing. His time and her time do not mesh. In the first night scene (Song 3:1–5), she searches for her lover, but he is nowhere to be found. She asks the watchmen, and their response is not recorded. But just as she passes them, she finds him. “I sought him but I did not find him” reflects that, although the timing for the lovers to see each other is off, the scene will eventually
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